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Online SSE Debug & Parser

  • Live Request
  • Response Parsing


Request Header:

Request Data:

Request Format:

Response Parsing:

Response JSON key

Response Parsing:

Response JSON key

Instructions for use

What are Server-Sent Events (SSE)?

Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a standardized web technology allowing servers to proactively push event-stream data to clients.

Unlike traditional HTTP communication, in which clients repeatedly poll servers for new information, SSE maintains an open HTTP connection that allows the server to push data continuously and immediately upon data availability. SSE is ideal for real-time notifications, message pushing, online chats, live logs, and real-time data visualization dashboards.

Key Features of This Tool:

  • Real-time online SSE debugging
    Easily send and test SSE requests online to inspect live data transmission from servers.<
  • POST method with customizable HTTP headers
    Support the ability to add custom HTTP request headers (e.g., authentication tokens or custom parameters), and sending requests via POST, making it suitable for diverse debugging scenarios.
  • Flexible response data parsing
    Option to view raw SSE data or parse data as JSON. You can select and extract specific JSON keys—including deeply nested paths (e.g., choices[0].delta.content) for targeted display.
  • Convenient debugging aids
    Includes automatic result text wrapping, easy request termination, and instant clearing of displayed data to enhance debugging efficiency.
  • Offline response parsing (Additional utility)
    Enables offline parsing of manually provided SSE data (e.g., copied from logs), offering convenient analysis without active connections.
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