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QR Code Online Decoder

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Instructions for use

The QR Code Online Decoder is dedicated to efficiently, quickly, and accurately deciphering information from images containing QR codes. Users can operate in multiple ways, including dragging and dropping or pasting images, or directly using their device's camera to scan QR codes, enjoying a seamless and intuitive operation process.This tool offers cross-device compatibility, enabling convenient QR code recognition even on PC computers.

Main Features:

  • Drag-and-Drop or Paste Image Decoding: Simply drag and drop an image containing a QR code into the designated area or paste the image to instantly initiate the decoding process.
  • Live Camera Scanning: Use your device's camera to aim at the QR code for immediate scanning and decoding.
  • Result Copying: Effortlessly copy the decoded information with just one click, making it easy and fast.
  • Privacy Protection: All QR code decoding processes are completed locally within the user's browser, without the need to upload to a server, ensuring data security and privacy protection.
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